Coming December 24th: OtterClam NFTs

5 min readDec 2, 2021


Gather round the stream, Otters!

We’ve got some exciting news — something we know a lot of Otters have been anticipating since OtterClam launched.

Our very own OtterClam NFTs!

These are one-of-a-kind OtterClam-themed art pieces, gifted to Otters who have achieved certain objectives. We’ve named these objectives to give these NFTs the same vibe as a Steam or Xbox achievement, but instead of just getting a text pop-up, you get super cute otter artwork that’s uniquely yours.

OtterClam NFT Reward Eligibility

The NFTs are awarded for the following status achievements:

Diamond-Hand Otter: Awarded for staking the full amount of CLAM from IDO or launch date (11/3, with a minimum of 20 sCLAM) to drop date (🦦,🦦).

Stone-Hand Otter: Awarded to wallets with over 56 sCLAM that have staked from 11/9 to drop date.

Furry-Hand Otter: Awarded to every Otter who has staked for a minimum of 2 weeks with more than 40 sCLAM on the drop date.

Safe-Hand Otter: Awarded to every Otter who has staked for a minimum of 2 weeks with greater than 4 sCLAM on the drop date.

Am I eligible for multiple NFTs?

You may be! If, for example, you’re holding over 56 sCLAM on the drop date, and you’ve been staking the full amount of CLAM since IDO or launch, you’ll automatically be awarded 4 NFTs!

There are lots of ways to be eligible for more than one NFT — even if you don’t own any CLAM yet, you could still be eligible for both the Furry-Hand and Safe-Hand Otter NFTs. This article is being published on December 1st, so if you’re reading it on publication day, and you buy and stake enough CLAM for both Furry-Hand and Safe-Hand eligibility, you’ll get to enjoy two pieces of adorable otter art that are uniquely yours!

You’re telling me I can still get in on these NFTs even if I don’t own CLAM yet?

That’s right! We’re an otterly welcoming community, and we want you to have a cute NFT you can show off when you’re splashing around with your friends.

  • If you’re reading this on or before December 10th, simply purchase and stake at least 4 CLAM until the drop date and you’ll receive the Safe-Hand Otter reward!
  • Purchase and stake at least 40 CLAM on or before December 10th until the drop date, and you’ll receive both the Safe-Hand and Furry-Hand Otter rewards!

So don’t delay — purchase and stake CLAM today to receive your unique otter NFTs on December 24th!

Just what the flipper is an NFT, anyway?

You may have heard about NFTs while learning about crypto, or even while watching the news. But what’s everyone clamoring on about? What are NFTs? Here’s a quick summary.

Non-fungible tokens

NFT stands for non-fungible token, which explains absolutely nothing to anyone who doesn’t already know what NFTs are. Fortunately, we’re here to break it down for you.

Something is fungible when it can be exchanged for an identical item — in other words, when two items are mutually interchangeable, they are fungible. U.S. dollars are fungible. So are CLAMs. You can trade 1 CLAM for 1 CLAM, and $1 U.S. for $1 U.S.

When something is non-fungible, it means it is not mutually interchangeable with anything. Do you have an original Picasso? That’s non-fungible. A drawing made by a kindergartener? Equally non-fungible.

The “token” part of NFTs is what really makes them shine. You see, NFTs use a blockchain — like those on the Ethereum or Polygon networks — in order to provide the owner of the NFT a unique identifier, or token. This token is used to confer ownership of a digital or physical asset.

NFTs confer ownership of a digital or physical asset? What does that mean?

If you think we’ve had one too many clam cocktails, we get it. Let’s use an example to clear things up.

How does anyone know you own your house? You have the keys, to be sure, but someone could replicate those keys and sleep in your bed while you’re away. What they don’t have, however, is your property deed.

Think about NFTs as a property deed for a piece of art, or even for a physical object — NFTs can act as a registration for just about anything. You could even use an NFT to assert your ownership of your favorite rock! (There’s no better way to crack clams open than with your favorite rock, after all).

What do I get with an OtterClam NFT?

You’re getting the deed to a piece of artwork, lovingly created by our very own Appppo. That piece of artwork is yours forever. Of course, people can copy it and paste it on the Web, share it with all their friends, and even make memes of it — but the original piece is still yours.

It’s like owning an original Van Gogh self-portrait. Yes, copies will be made. Yes, people will use it for their profile pictures. But you own the original — and you’ve got the deed (or in this case, the NFT) to prove it.

Why we’re otterly thrilled about our NFTs

First — have you seen Appppo’s art? It’s amazing! These NFTs are cute, they’re cuddly, they’re one of a kind, and they look amazing.

Okay, so we’re excited because we love cute otters — we’re also excited because we love the OtterClam community. This is our way of saying thank you to everyone in the community. OtterClam would be nothing without warm, funny, kind-hearted Otters like you.

And, of course, we’re excited because NFTs are one of the most incredible ideas to come out of blockchain technology. We believe that NFTs are going to permanently change how we think about digital media and collectability, and we’re thrilled to be a part of that space. We can’t wait to see how far NFTs go.

How will I receive my NFTs?

If you’ve already met the conditions we laid out above for reward eligibility, there’s nothing to do — just keep staking and holding, and your NFT will automatically appear in your wallet.

For those of you who haven’t met the criteria yet, there’s still time! What are you waiting for? Stake those CLAMs, and get ready to receive some incredible art.

Have any questions? Stop by our Discord — our friendly, welcoming community will be there to answer them.

Until next time, enjoy your CLAMs and float on, Otter friends!

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Written by OtterClam

Welcome to the Otter Kingdom

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